I have been fascinated with the sights and sounds produced by water for a long time. These have influenced my work in sound and video. This piece is a meditative reflection on the Hudson River which attempts to define a transformation, without any pre-conceived agenda yet pregnant with the possibility of interpretation by the viewer/listener. The intentional merging of the words ‘river’ and ‘reversion’ are meant to accentuate this concept, while also playing upon the uniqueness of the Hudson River’s dual-flow characteristics.
As the familiar sight and sound of the river gradually changes to a more stylized and alien landscape and soundscape, my hope is that one can experience a similar transformation, from the familiar to the unfamiliar; a connection to possible deeper truths that may lie hidden in everyday sensory perceptions. This transformation has a connection to the river as metaphor – a constant flow of water, of time, of nature. Concentrating more deeply on these sensations may allow one to come to a better understanding of one’s place in the river of life.